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I am thrilled to announce that we have a new yoga studio here in Old Town thanks to the lovely Paige from Heal and Rise. I can now once again offer you several classes and workshops a week. The studio is growing, so do take a look at all of the teachers and options available to you, try them all until until you find whoever resonates with you!

I run classes throughout the year but break for Christmas ansdsummer. The 6 class pass is our best option which means each class is £12. With this deal you can use the pass over 8 weeks giving you 2 session grace should you be away for any reason.
You can also book session by session if you'd prefer. This makes the session £15 a class. I have a maximum of 8 students per class. Drop ins are welcome and can msg on the day to book. 
Integral Hatha Yoga for beginners 
Please come and join us. Yoga is such a wonderful journey - There are so many variations of yoga out there! Let’s keep it simple here. Hatha is simple, it means ‘Force’ it is a system of physical postures during which awareness is very much within, focusing on your breathing and energy flow. As a beginner your focus is most often on the posture and how is looks, how we enter, hold and leave the posture. This is good! As you progress you will become much more comfortable with doing this as well as keeping your awareness within. 

We follow a similar routine of postures each week so that we can develop and really feel our journey with each one. I’ll give adaptations to the more experienced beginners. Complete beginners are welcome. After postures we practice a deep relaxation and some breath work finishing with a short meditation. Bliss! 

PS - you get a GREAT night sleep on yoga night too! 
Tuesday 9:30-11.00 am click to book your 6 class pass
Thursday 7:15pm-8:45pm click to book your 6 class pass 
Pregnancy Yoga 

Yoga is such a wonderful journey during pregnancy…you can begin at anytime during your journey and practice right up until you give birth. Due to the nature of pregnancy we offer week by week bookings - 8 students per class. 


We will focus on physical postures during which awareness is very much within, focusing on your breathing and energy flow. This is such a beautiful time to connect with baby, taking time out of our busy lives. 


I will follow you through your pregnancy and adapt posters to your needs, you body changes form week to week, that’s great…I amt rained to guide you through them all. The aim is prepare body, mind and spirit for the birth. 


We follow a similar routine of postures each week so that we can develop and really feel our journey with each one. I’ll give adaptations depending on your gestation. 


After postures we practice a deep relaxation and some breath work finishing with a short meditation. Bliss! 


PS - you get a GREAT night sleep on yoga night too! 


Book in!

Restorative Yoga Workshop Last Sunday of each month September 29th 4-6pm  (book only 8 spaces available)
Yes we are BACK -

Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. You hardly move at all, doing just a few postures in the course of an hour or so. It is a completely different experience than most dynamic yogas. During the long holds of restorative yoga, your muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It's a unique feeling because props such as blankets and bolsters, rather than your muscles, are used to support your body. This workshop is extremely chilled requiring very little physical effort at all! Restorative yoga is the perfect complement to more active practices and an excellent antidote to stress and stress related issues. 


During our half an hour of deep relaxation aka, Yoga Nidra, you begin by lying on the floor, face up, in yoga corpse pose or Shavasana. Then I will gently prompt you to begin sensing the body and breathing in specific ways to incite a relaxation response in you. This relaxation response is the secret sauce to yoga nidra because it balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems – the left and right brain –allowing you to unwind into various, beneficial brain wave states. Yoga nidra works by gently guiding you through four main stages of brain wave activity – beta, alpha, theta, and delta. In the end, the goal is to achieve a “hypnagogic state” — the state between wakefulness and sleep. It’s that magical time just before you fall asleep when the body rests while the mind is still reasonably lucid. If you’ve never experienced this before, you’re going to love it! 


Perfect not only for relaxation of the mind, but for releasing and relaxing tired muscles for those of you who dedicate yourselves to more high paced yoga, running, CrossFit, cycling and more! Give those muscles and that mind a real treat! 


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