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Sunshine makes your soul shine

I'm 100 percent Sunshine - Lil Yachty

Most of you know I have been planning on blogging again - when I say 'again' I mean following on from the 2 blogs that came about just before lockdown 3 years ago! It's really not like I was an established blogger with thousands of followers... but I will be. The reason I know this is because I love to write and I am authentic... and relentless and loveable and adore what I do etcetera etcetera. I know I need my 'why' and am yet to establish my cool is it to be at that point?

Any way I can only assume you are here because your are currently part of Zen Den and that makes me feel so warm inside, I have spent a long while building this community of massage fiends :-) I love you all so much and know you benefit hugely from what Zen Den has offer. But a blog of course is different. It is not hands on. How do I translate my soul onto this blog like I do through massage?

I am on holiday for 5 days in Portugal with my 2 sons and my parents, it's my fathers 60th, we are so soooo happy to be here's sunny and my soul - See photo above. I am happy to say that. Some people will read that as 'big headed' and that's ok if you do, still it's how I feel.

By now, I have worked through enough to know the yin and yang of my own light and dark...this is an ongoing exploration. For the most part I do exist in a state of Sunny and Beautiful. But I am now also willing to own the really really dark bits of me too, they are not overly pleasant, they are chellenging. Therapy has helped me to become acutely aware of the light and the dark...some of us like to exist in constant shade of grey...just know I feel you, it's safe, there are many shades of grey. BUT, to really honour yourself as a complete human being, you do need to see the REALLY good bits of you and the REALLY rubbish bits too. Staying in the grey denies those explorations, this denies the parts of you that make you unique and special.

Anyway I guess I was thinking about this holiday, how I have not been away for 5 years which as the intrepid one amongst my family and friends, is absolutely unheard of for me. BUT, life threw us all curve balls during Covid - we were all land bound. Gradually as others started to go away again, I had become a single Mum and found myself struggling to pay rent, thinking about getting on a plane was a distant dream.

As I sit here in my holiday apartment in Portugal, I realise how bloody lucky I am to live life in the sunshine. And I actually refer far more to the metaphorical than the literal. I know my natural disposition stands me in good stead to succeed even in my darkest hour. And I also know because of that blessing, I will empower those around me to do the same. Perhaps that is my why - Sunshine makes our soul shine...and all the bits that go with it are important, let's go there, to the yin and the yang of ourselves.

Samtosha xx

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Apr 29, 2023

Well done me for beginning this new journey - will people comment And get involved? hopefully... xx

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