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Reflexology? In Zen Den? UUmmm YES PLEASE!!

I love how in depth it can go and how different reflex points can be worked together to provide an even more effective approach to open the blocked pathways...I love that something as simple as working on the feet can have such a profound effect on the whole body and mind - Lou

You ask so we deliver...ok ok so I might have been asked a million times over the last 9 years 'do you think you'll qualify in Reflexology?' and the answer has been, I'd love to but, it's 200 hours of training and a LOT of case studies. I have never had the time for the commitment to the qualification despite absolutely loving the treatment. My love for Reflexology was sealed after the response my body had to reflexology during my second pregnancy, I massively attritibte my incredible birth journey and swift postnatal recovery to the regular treatments I was gifting myself. I have only very very good things to say about this therapy which is why YES we now have it as a monthly option in Zen Den thanks to Lou with her beautiful open heart, to collaborate with us.

Sam -I am absolutely thrilled that you’re going to be collaborating with Zen Den. What made you say yes?

Lou- I have known and followed your journey for years and I absolutely love everything you do and stand for. I love the vibe Zen Den has and feel like you and your incredible treatments completely align with my personal values as well as my business. I have recently been feeling drawn to find a more permanent base to use for my treatments after working mobile for sometime now and the universe brought us together just at the right time!

Sam -You have so many qualifications under your belt, do you favour reflex? Why?

Lou - I initially trained in the full complementary therapies diploma. This was actually a real blessing as I soon realised that I loved reflexology. I love the simplicity of the treatment and that I can really concentrate on the client without needing to worry about moving sheets or worrying about keeping body parts covered.

I love how in depth it can go and how different reflex points can be worked together to provide an even more effective approach to open the blocked pathways.

I love that something as simple as working on the feet can have such a profound effect on the whole body and mind. I also adore being able to work with babies and children in such a gentle and effective way.

Sam - Obviously we have client confidentiality to consider but can perhaps share one story or some feedback you’ve have that’s really made you feel your work is absolutely doing amazing things for your clients well-being …

Lou- I once had a lady tell me that having treatment with me was making her want to give up smoking. We worked a lot on her lung reflex area as she was having issues with her chest and following treatments her body was working to expel the mucus which had built up from smoking, which was deterring her from continuing with this habit.

Sam -What do you think is the biggest barrier to people choosing Reflexology and how would you try to eliminate that?

Lou- I think the biggest barrier is the unknown. Although reflexology dates back to ancient times, it is still not always well known today within the general public. I also think that some people are apprehensive about having their feet touched and worry that it may tickle or feel uncomfortable. I want to reassure everyone that the pressure used during reflexology is firm and does not generally cause the feet to feel ticklish. Although the foot is the most popular area for reflexology, it can be done just as effectively on the hands. If someone is really curious about the treatment and its benefits but is not booking due to being uncomfortable with their feet being touched, then I would like to encourage them to come and try the treatment out on their hands first and maybe work up to the feet if they enjoy the initial treatment. I am more than happy to start on the feet and change the routine to the hands if they decide they are really uncomfortable with their feet being touched, they may be very pleasantly surprised.

Sam - I was absolutely THRILLED to hear that you treat babies and children too. Was that training different? What can parents/carers expect from this?

Lou- Babies and children need a much more simple and gentle approach. Their bodies are generally not as overwhelmed as adults and they respond a lot more quickly to treatments. As their feet and hands are a lot smaller the reflex zones and points can be worked a lot easier so the routines are kept simple and slow to really work all the systems.

If baby sleeps through the whole session, which can sometimes happen, then I have a soft baby foot that I can teach parents/caregivers the techniques to use at home and they can receive a treatment themselves for the rest of the session while baby sleeps. The same applies to children and teens, in that, if they are uncomfortable i will work with them to make them feel settled and there are lots of diffeent techniques i can use to change the routine to suit them, such as treating the hands to begin instead of the feet.

Sam -And to end, if you had to choose 3 of your favourite words to describe Reflex, what would they be?

Lou- Blissful, Gentle, Relaxing.

Thank you to Lou for joining us we are thrilled, you can book in with now for all treatments, please see the Reflexology drop down on our website and her dates are as follows...

Sunday 25th June 1-6pm

Saturday 29th July 10-6pm

Saturday 12th Aug 10-6pm

Booking Code 'LovelyLou' to get your 20% off your first time with Lou

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