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I never do anything g to make money out of it. I do it because it’s got feeling or I like doing it. To make someone feel better is cool, that’s better than making loads of money sitting behind a desk. For me personally anyway - Jerome

As I sat in the park this evening with Jerome I told him it was blog time, he was thrilled (he wasn't). Alas I insisted, and I might possibly regret this - let me tell you, he is man of few words, he listens, he doesn't not give people advice or look for answers. He literally listens as a way to move himself forward. A lack of words is not so ideal for blogs but, he has many many talents...including being able to stand on his head on a can of Coke. I can absolutely assure you that is not photo shopped...the many talents now includes massage, well it's alway been massage, we just now have a certificate for it!

Sam- Jerome, I am absolutely thrilled that you’re going to be working with Zen Den UK. What made you say yes knowing that you were going to have train in massage from scratch?

Jerome - I’ve been working with you for months behind the scenes setting up your space and working on the website , so when you began looking for other people to work in Zen Den I was quietly wondering why you didn’t just ask me!

Sam - Well I wasn't sure if I wanted to mix business with pleasure , it's a big decision. Why do you think I asked you to massage in ZEN DEN in the end?

Jerome- Because you wanted to make more money? And gain more male clients?

Sam- PPPahhhhh. Bingo, both true! Can you address the massage aspect possibly?

Jerome - I think you wanted someone to bring humour to the salon. And colour. I am very colourful but calming. (Jerome now distracted by two toddlers trying to take carrots so pointless talking to him, he will ne high-fiving them for the foreseeable)

Sam- 'Calming' is actually right. I feel that about you always. You had this in your feedback from some of the clients you practiced on, which I loved. How do you feel the practice massages went overall?

Jerome - I feel that that went like a driving test. By the book. It was all a process, and I can’t wait to just bring my own flow to the table.

Sam - Well that is what I am also looking forward to and why I wanted you on the team. How would you describe your massage style, what can our clients expects from you?

Jerome- I hope I bring hot hands. I am unorthodox but relaxing.

Sam - MMMmm that’s going to sound a bit much for readers in the world or massage, but YESSSSsss your hands are actually so hot, well warm at least, they are so healing. What does unorthodox mean to you exactly?

Jerome - Basically, I am not you! I will do my style which is intuitive like you but, my way, go with the flow.

Sam - OK your intuitive nature is why you are here…where does intuition come from?

Jerome - Nobody knows where it comes from it's just there. Isn’t that the point of it? You get a feel for something, you have a natural ability for something, you either have it or you don’t.

Sam - This is a rather convenient link to your past. You have been a very successful break dancer for most of your career in fact. Body work seems to be quite instinctive to dancers. Why do you think that is?

Jerome- You don’t really have a choice. As a dancer you get injuries and naturally try to heal yourself through stretching, massage and energy work. Understanding the anatomical structure and having a feeling for your own personal well-being helps. Of course, I massaged other dancers. You are a person who either feels or who doesn’t feel, a lot of people get through life faking feeling things, not faking, but distracted from authentic feeling as they are too busy to be connected to real life, real feelings.

I never do anything g to make money out of it. I do it because it’s got feeling or I like doing it. To make someone feel better is cool, that’s better than making loads of money sitting behind a desk. For me personally anyway.

Sam- Do you think that the work we do in Zen Den can change that disconnection in people?

Jerome - Well yeah because we give people the chance to be less busy, reconnect with themselves. Everyone has their own version of happiness and success so I am not going to sit here and say one thing or the other as advice, that's not my role.

Sam - And to end, if you had to choose 3 words to describe your life right now what would they be?

Jerome - Hungry, surprised and amazed.

Thanks to Jerome who can't stand interviews! He begins with us this weekend. His introductory discounts are online..currently trained in body massage and offering 30, 40, 60 and 75 minute massages bookable through our website.

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