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Introducing the Queen of Reiki...Kaz

I adore Reiki. It’s a life enhancer, a life changer, and it’s what I was put on this earth to do - Kaz

This weeks blog comes in the form of a Q&A with Kaz. As you will all know by now, she is the newest collaborator with Zen Den, and for this reason I wanted to introduce her to you with various burning questions and answers on Reiki and her journey. What I was NOT expecting was the magnitude of detail I would get...goodness me Kaz has a lot to tell us about Reiki. She is sooooo passionate and it absolutely shines through in her words. I have now decided that I will need to provide you with all of Kaz's words in instalments, possibly chapters...just kidding (not kidding), I will cut and chop and you will get it all in the form of Blog, instagram, Face Book, newsletter etc... you'll get it all I promise as I know Kaz puts her all into everything she's why I LUFF HER. For our first on!

Ooooo Kaz I am absolutely thrilled that you’re going to be collaborating with Zen Den. What made you say yes?

Oh my golly gosh! Because I love you, and I love Zen Den, too! I’m very excited to have been invited to collaborate with you, my wonderful friend. I’m truly honoured to be a part of the Zen Den experience; an experience which, as we all know, is amazing and sublime. My heart is full to the brim with love and gratitude, and I’ve been skipping about full of excitement since you asked me.

Can you explain to our readers how you describe what Reiki is? I find so many people just don’t quite understand it so therefore don’t book in. And we want to reach as many clients as we can, can you summarise how is works for us?

Reiki is a form of energy healing developed in Japan and translates as “Universal Life-Force Energy”, and this is my explanation of my understanding of how it works…

Everything is energy, including us, and when our energy goes a bit wonky (by which I mean it isn’t flowing as it should be) we can notice, for example, that we don’t feel quite right, either emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually. Reiki can help rectify this wonkiness! Because it’s a stable energy, it can help our own energy come back into balance. When we’re in balance, we function better and are in a better condition for healing to happen

You know how a group of happy people can magically and miraculously lift the mood of sad or miserable people? Well, that’s really the effect I’m trying to describe. The higher vibe sets the tone.

Here’s a little more detail that I’ve copied from my Crystals, Reiki & Wellness page:

When we feel “not quite right” or have some kind of illness or discomfort, it can mean that our energy has become stagnant, blocked, depleted, and generally out of balance/not flowing freely, which means that our energetic vibration isn’t as it should be.
Reiki can help balance and align the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies which, in turn, can create a more harmonious and balanced flow of energy. When our energy is balanced, we feel and function better, and we’re in a much better condition to allow healing to happen.
It’s a very gentle yet powerful treatment, ideal for both relaxation and revitalisation, and may also help with specific health conditions.

What are the benefits of Reiki – why might someone ‘give it a go’?

Oh lordy! There are soooo many benefits! Here are just a few that could be experienced...


Stress reduction

Better sleep

Lower blood pressure

Quicker healing process

Pain reduction

Spiritual development

Improved mental health

Feeling like a weight has been lifted

Feeling like your ‘being’ has expanded

Healing trauma

…and so much more!

Why might someone give it a go you ask? Curiosity could be one reason. If you haven’t tried it yet, Zen Denners, I hug you tight and say “Go on, give it a go. You’ll probably love it.”

What do you think is the biggest barrier to people choosing reiki and how would you try to eliminate that?

“Reiki? What’s that? I’ve heard of it, but I don’t really know what it is.” With the addition, sometimes, of, “It sounds a bit woo woo to me!” I think that’s the biggest barrier.

We need to spread the word about what it is, and how it works, and to encourage people who have experienced Reiki to let everyone know how completely blimmin uh.may.zing it is. Shout it from the rooftops, and out of your car windows. I might actually get someone to make car stickers and pin-badges, and maybe even t-shirts!

Are there any downsides to having Reiki treatment?

I say No, there aren’t, but I think it depends on personal perception.

Reiki can go deep and can bring up things we’ve buried. Bringing these things up to be healed can be very emotional. Sometimes painfully so, which some might see as a downside. I understand and appreciate that point of view but, in the end, healing that pain, that pushed down and trapped emotion, has got to be a good thing, right?

And to end, if you had to choose 3 of your favourite words to describe Reiki what would they be?


Life enhancing


Just a final little note from me to all of you scrummy Zen Denners…

There really is SO much that Reiki can help with. You could experience so many things, and each time you have a session, you could experience something completely new. I really really hope you’re drawn to come for a session, even if just out of curiosity. You don’t need a reason to have Reiki, you can have it as a little spring clean, or a boost, or simply for your general wellbeing.

I adore Reiki. It’s a life enhancer; a life changer; and it’s what I was put on this earth to do.

Sending love and Sparkles

Kaz xxx

Kaz's first day with us is Saturday 15th July. Her first day we are offering a 20% discount with the code REIKIQUEEN at checkout which is an absolute bargain!! You'll get a £45 treatment for £36 - you're welcome!

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