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I really love you

The energy born of love is creative - it makes everything it touches new. To see how passionate you are, look around at what you have created - Deepak Chopra

I am not sure if you follow Deepak Chopra? If not, do look into his teachings, we are so blessed to have him with us. I am currently following his 21 Days of Abundance on Spotify which I also listened to during lockdown...I am revisiting, as it reminds me of so many of my potentials that sometimes I doubt, it really is a brilliant and easy to follow.

I was thinking about the inspirational Deepak as I sat this evening wondering what I might blog about, so I Googled his quotes, of course I found the perfect one. The energy born of love is creative - it makes everything it touches new. To see how passionate you are , look around at what you have created. I read and re-read this to ensure it felt right for the message I wanted to flow with this evening, it was actually perfect.

Those of you who have been following my current journey on social media and via weekly newsletters will know that I am employing and expanding. It has consumed me for weeks but, I stood in my room today and massaged 3 new clients...and thought, if nothing changed, look, look at what you have created just in this tiny room. It's magic, it's love epitomised, it's my soul literally leaping out into the peacefulness of the space I have envisioned and created and embracing clients the minute they arrive...I was full of joy, full of love and as I looked down at my client today with a belly fully of baby, I was rightly so, honoured, humbled and totally at peace ' see how passionate you are, look around you at what you have created.'

I am not ever sure how to use words for how Zen Den makes people feel ' makes everything it touches new...' I am not sure it's quite that BUT the entire quote comes very close to what is going on in Zen Den and the reason for the expansion and new employees over the coming months.

I can't stop...for anyone who finds their passion and knows it is for the greater good, you can't. Work does not feel like 'work'. All I know is that if I grow and expand then I can, WE can reach more people and bring peace, calm and that very special Zen Den bliss to so many more of you.

I am not sure who I am reaching with this blog post tbh - it's just where I am at this evening. So is it for those of you who I massage? Or those of you who want to do somethinng brave? Those who want to work in Zen Den? I just write and hope my words resonate in some way.

What I will do is return to where I started...with the 21 Days of Abundance, if you truly find your calling in life, then you will be massively rewarded in so so many ways. I wanted you to know this truly from the bottom of my really scared but brave heart. I see it each day, in the salon with the beautiful girls I work with, my clients, the messages I get, the requests, the emails, contentment, happiness, never feeling too tired to carry on, late nights, a new lifestyle that allows me to live in abundance with my family, buy my own home on my own. book holidays...and most of all love, love the work I do, nothing is impossible if you are serving your gifts and opportunities served to you. Look out for the people who offer you opportunities and open doors for you, they can come unexpectedly and in the most surprising of places.

Above all, I hope you all have the feeling of Samtosha - Contentment - when you snuggle down each night, that is the best and newest brilliance I have found as I switch out my light...I love it! Knowing I will be happy to wake up makes me happy to go to sleep, absolute Contentment.

So many blessings coming your way, you're worthy of every single one...

Samtosha xx

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