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  • Writer's pictureSam

Adaptation and Resilience

Words can’t describe how crazy these last few weeks have been; everything has turned upside-down! Just to think only a month ago we were out and about, living our “normal” lives. And now “before” seems completely far fetched. In such a short space of time we have already adapted to life in isolation. Sam and I have been discussing how at times it has felt like we’ve been grieving for the old way of life. This process has come with a full range of emotions for both of us. There has been anger, fear, sadness, loneliness, confusion, exhaustion, relief, peace, happiness and even contentment. Some of these feelings have been surprising. They have come at us at unexpected times, sometimes wiping out whole days just crying or hiding, sometimes being filled with lots of energy and motivation. What we are learning to do is observe these feelings, allowing them to arise, letting them exist as part of our experience in the current climate. Then no sooner have they arrived, they pass: then follows the peace.

All plans for the outside world are now cancelled. We are at home with limited contact with our friends and family, trying to adapt to this new normal. For us at Zen Den, we were just about to expand and move into a new premises due to open in the autumn. We had been putting a massive amount of energy and focus into this. When the lock down hit, like many people whose plans had been scuppered, we were so disappointed, deflated, knocked back, we almost gave up.

But in the middle of those feelings we stopped for a moment and took a breath, instinctively finding comfort in the simple practice of pranayama. And by focussing on the breath, we started to connect to our inner peace, and in the middle of the panic and sadness we found some calm, some silence and some space.

That space that was created enabled us to process what was happening, and sensing the value in that, we started to share these practices online. It seemed that others were also looking for the same thing. What has become apparent is how resilient and adaptable we all are, even in the face of really difficult and confusing times. As everyone turned to their online world for comfort and connection, it became clear to us that adaptation was the only way forward. After all, the very essence of Zen Den is about unplugging from the outside world, which is now more troubling than ever, and connecting with your inner peace. For some, inner peace seems to be an ongoing effort, so we endeavour to promote practices that allow access to an effortless peace. We can only share via our own experience, that which resonates with us may well also resonate with you.

Zen Den now exists completely online, as is the case now for many businesses. Our general health, strength and mental wellbeing is so important right now: this is what we want to share with you. It’s clear our inner worlds need some attention and we are focusing on relaxation, yoga, breathing and nutrition.

So rather than giving up and just trying to survive we are choosing to thrive, in our homes, with an hour of fresh air a day. Let us find a way to navigate through the coming weeks and months. The values that we've spent so much time procrastinating about, like meditation or coming to the yoga mat, or drinking more water, are more important now than ever. We are being given the opportunity to go back to basics and reset, finding out what we actually need. By the very nature of the situation, we are living in the moment because none of us knows what the future has in store for us. But by adapting and drawing on our innate resilience, take a moment to consider that maybe we are being given a chance to grow and strengthen. So we invite you to join us, embrace the chance to rest, allow yourself to be bored, find time to create, be silent and listen to the voice that doesn’t use words.

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Fallon Davis
Fallon Davis
Apr 28, 2020

Beautiful words Verity. What Zen Den are doing offering classes free of charge is such a kind and selfless thing to do.

I find myself really looking forward to tuning in everyday, keep up the supportive work ladies you are fab!


Molly Mahon
Apr 18, 2020

I really needed to read this this morning. I feel like i can understand the emotions I'm having but also let them pass without trying to control them. Its such a relief to be able to read about how everyone else is dealing with the situation, we are all in this together 🌺

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